Keep Your systems Comfortable
This article aims to inform the dentist and have a preliminary assessment before the technician decides on what further actions to do when there is repair. HVAC repair is a broad topic and requires a lot of factors to consider. We will be simplifying HVAC repair to the common symptoms our HVAC system will possibly encounter. Knowing the signs and understanding how the HVAC system works would eventually pay off in the long run.
As an owner/operator of an HVAC system, we are responsible for understanding how it works.

HVAC systems also exhibit symptoms when experiencing problems, just like our human bodies. All Mechanical Systems will undergo degradation over time because of wear and tear. HVAC systems contain parts that will wear out over time and eventually reach their designed service life.
That is normal to replace parts when it comes near their designed service life. What bothers us is when a part or component fails prematurely. That only means that there are underlying conditions that cause premature failure. That is a problem that the technicians need to address.